How to Split Screen on Mac: Boost Your Productivity 

Splitting your screen on a Mac can help you work smarter. Having multiple views open at once lets you easily access and input data, multitask efficiently, and even enjoy media while working. Find out how this simple trick can enhance your productivity today.

Learn How to Split Screen on Mac for Easy Multitasking! If you find it annoying to switch between windows while working with multiple apps, or if you need to view two windows simultaneously, mastering split screen can make your tasks smoother. For example, copying information from one document to a spreadsheet becomes easier when you can see both windows side by side.

What does the term ‘split screen’ mean?

Using split screens on your Mac can help you work more efficiently. By running and viewing two different apps or windows simultaneously, you can easily access and process various information at once.

While it may initially seem overwhelming for those new to split screens, it’s a convenient way to organize your work and reduce the need for constant app switching and complex trackpad gestures.

Wondering how split screens can enhance productivity? Staying focused on your current task is key to being productive. By splitting your screen, you can work on one or two applications simultaneously, or even utilize dual monitors for multitasking.

Professionals like editors find split screens especially beneficial. Drag-and-drop functionality simplifies file imports when working with two screens, offering a practical solution without the need for additional monitors that take up valuable workspace.

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How to Split Screen on Mac

splitting screen on mac OS

To split your screen on a Mac, follow these simple steps:

1. Locate the red, yellow, and green buttons at the top left of your window.

2. Hover over the green button or click and hold it to see screen viewing options.

3. Choose “Tile Window to Left of Screen” or “Tile Window to Right of Screen” to split your screen.

4. Your current window will appear on one side, and other open windows will be on the opposite side.

5. Click on the window you want to display, and you’re in split-screen mode!

By following these steps, you can easily split your screen on a Mac for improved productivity.

Use Split Screen on Mac for Easy Multitasking

Switch between windows in split screen mode on your Mac. To open other apps while in split view, follow these steps:

1. Press the Mission Control key (F3) on your keyboard or the button with three rectangles on the Touch Bar.

2. Alternatively, you can:

   – Press Control and the up arrow

   – Swipe up with three or four fingers on your trackpad

   – Double tap with two fingers on your Magic Mouse

All your open windows will appear, allowing you to easily switch between them and your split-screen view. This simple guide helps you boost productivity on your Mac!

Optimize Windows in Split Screen View

Splitting screen on Mac OS

In split view, menu bars are hidden but can be shown by moving your cursor to the top of the screen.

For more space on your spreadsheet, resize windows by clicking and dragging the black border between screens. Adjust the size to suit your needs easily.

Enhance Your Split Screen Experience

The Split View feature on Mac allows you to divide your screen into two static views with a vertical divider. However, this can be limiting if you need to run more than two applications or prefer a different screen layout.

To overcome these limitations, tools like Split Screen Ultimate offer 10 different ways to split your screen, giving you more flexibility in how you arrange your windows. This tool enhances the split screen feature on Mac, making it easier to multitask and customize your workspace according to your preferences.

How to Exit Split Screen

Exiting split screen mode is simple. Just hover over the top of the screen until the grey menu bar shows up. Click on the green circle button to exit split-screen mode. You can also click on “Exit Full Screen” to return to normal view.

Your main window will go back to its regular size, while the second window stays in full screen. Use Mission Control to switch to that window. Hover at the top of the screen, click the green button, and exit the full-screen view.

Split screen is great for multitasking and anyone can use it without needing two monitors. It’s a handy feature for boosting productivity.


How do I split my screen between Mac and monitor?

To split your screen between a Mac and a monitor, open the desired app, drag the window to one side of the monitor, then open a second app and move its window to the other side of the monitor.

How do I display my Mac screen on my monitor?

To display your Mac screen on a monitor, connect the monitor to your Mac using the appropriate video cable (HDMI, USB-C, Thunderbolt), ensure both are powered on and go to System Preferences > Displays to configure settings like mirroring or extending the display.

Can you use a Mac monitor as a second screen?

Yes, you can use a Mac as a second screen wirelessly by following these steps: Ensure both Macs have the same Apple ID and are on the same Wi-Fi network. On the main Mac, go to System Preferences > Displays, click Add Display, and select the other Mac. This feature is available on specific Mac models for enhanced productivity.

How do I use dual monitors with my Mac?

To use dual monitors with your Mac, connect them based on your Mac’s ports. Adjust settings in System Preferences > Displays to extend your desktop. Ensure the mirror displays box is unchecked for independent screens.

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