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March 12, 2024/

Splitting your screen on a Mac can help you work smarter. Having multiple views open at once lets you easily access and input data, multitask efficiently, and even enjoy media while working. Find out how this simple trick can enhance your productivity today. Learn How to Split Screen on Mac for Easy Multitasking!…

How to Show Bluetooth in Menu Bar Mac

March 7, 2024/

Your Mac can link up with Bluetooth gadgets, but it might be tricky to connect them. You can turn on the Bluetooth menu in your Mac’s OS menu bar to make it easier. This menu lets you quickly connect and disconnect Bluetooth devices with just one click. Bluetooth Icon Missing in Mac Menu…

frame by frame in vlc

March 6, 2024/

When looking for a free media player, VLC stands out as the best choice. It can play various types of media like files, discs, webcams, and streams. VLC frame by frame is compatible with different platforms such as Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, Unix, iOS, and Android. If you haven’t installed VLC on…

Operating System Services

March 6, 2024/

An operating system is like the conductor of a computer orchestra, connecting users and hardware. It’s a constant companion, ensuring smooth functioning and enabling various applications to run seamlessly. Every computer needs an operating system to operate effectively, acting as a bridge between users and their machines.  It not only oversees input-output devices…

Ubuntu List User

March 2, 2024/

As a system administrator, you will sometimes need to see who the users are on your computer. You might need to delete a user, give them special permissions, or change their groups. There are many reasons why you should know who the users are. In Ubuntu, there are different ways to find ubuntu…

Mount Command in Linux

February 29, 2024/

In the Linux domain, the “mount” command holds a crucial role in managing file systems. This versatile tool lets users connect external storage, network shares, and other file systems to their Linux system, enhancing data accessibility and storage capacity. Whether you’re a system administrator or a regular Linux user, understanding the “mount” command…

Linux Shutdown Command with examples

February 28, 2024/

Learn how to effortlessly shut down your Linux computer using the Linux shutdown command through this user-friendly tutorial. Whether you’re managing a Linux server, working on a bash script, or simply prefer the command line over the graphical interface, this guide has got you covered.  The Linux shutdown command ensures a secure system…

Boss linux

January 17, 2024/

Are you looking for a reliable and user-friendly Linux operating system? Look no further than Boss Linux! In this article, we will guide you through the process of downloading Boss Linux and provide you with some helpful tips to get started. Designed by the National Resource Centre for Free/Open Source Software in India,…

Features of Linux OS

December 24, 2023/

Welcome to the exploration of the fascinating world of the Linux Operating System! If you’ve ever wondered about the features of Linux Operating System, you’re in the right place. In this journey, we’ll take a closer look at the core elements that make Linux truly exceptional.  Linux, renowned for its robustness and security,…

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