Rise Of The Ronin: Release Date, Story & Everything You Should Know

Discover all you need to know about “Rise of the Ronin,” a new action role-playing game set in an engaging time from Japanese history.

  •  Rise of the Ronin is a game set in 19th-century Japan with open-world exploration and exciting battles.
  •  It releases on PlayStation 5 on March 22, 2024, alongside other popular games.
  • Players can make decisions that impact the story, choose from various combat styles, and explore different ways to move around in the game.

 Rise of the Ronin is a future video game where you play as a solitary fighter in 19th-century Japan. Created by Team Ninja, known for their skilled combat style seen in titles such as Nioh, Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty, and Ninja Gaiden, Rise of the Ronin offers more than just battles it features an expansive open world with an emphasis on movement and discovery alongside its signature intense fights.

 In Rise of the Ronin, it seems they are moving away from Nioh’s complex loot system, which has pleased many fans. During yesterday’s PlayStation State of Play event, Rise of the Ronin was showcased with gameplay and details on traversal. It was revealed that Team Ninja is doing away with the loot in this new action game, a departure from their previous Nioh titles.

Release Date of Rise of the Ronin: When Can Players Expect This Action Adventure?

Rise of the Ronin release date is March 22, 2024, exclusively for PlayStation 5. Team Ninja is creating a new game about action and role-playing in 19th-century Japan. Sony Interactive Entertainment will publish it. The game is set during the Boshin War, and players control the titular Ronin, a masterless samurai journeying across Japan.

Players will be able to explore an open world and engage in battles with enemy NPCs while the story plays out. The game focuses on your decisions. You can influence how the story ends. There are different ways to fight and move around in the game.

The combat features a wide array of weapons common during the Boshin War, such as katanas and various firearms.

In the game, you can easily switch between three difficulty levels. Plus, there’s a fun three-player cooperative multiplayer mode to enjoy.

The game’s story is set in 1863 Japan, during the very end of a 300-year-long Edo Period, commonly known as “Bakumatsu”. Japan is going through tough times. It has strict rulers and dangerous diseases. Also, Western influence is spreading. At the same time, there’s a civil war happening. the Tokugawa Shogunate and the Anti-Shogunate factions. The game is currently available for pre-order both digitally on the PlayStation 5 and through physical retailers, with several bonuses on offer for anyone who wants to lock in a purchase ahead of time.

 Rise of the Ronin Game Details

Rise of the Ronin is an action-packed game that focuses heavily on combat, featuring fast-paced dueling with timed parries and counters. Players can switch between different combat styles on the fly, each effective against specific enemies. Unlike Nioh, this game emphasizes fighting human enemies rather than fantastical creatures.

 Set in the late 19th century during Japan’s Bakumatsu period, players assume the role of a Ronin, a masterless samurai free to make their own choices amidst the turmoil of Japan opening up to foreign countries. The game delves into the Boshin War, a civil war between the Imperial Court and the Shogunate for control of Japan.

 Players will wield traditional Japanese swords, spears, and firearms while exploring an open world filled with historical and technological influences of that era. The game offers a mix of combat styles, RPG elements, and impactful storytelling where player decisions shape the outcome, promising an immersive experience in a pivotal period of Japanese history.

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Exploring the Rise of the Ronin’s Tale and Historical Backdrop

Rise of the Ronin History

Rise of the Ronin is set during the Bakumatsu Era, a significant time in Japan’s history spanning from the 1850s to the 1860s. This period witnessed dramatic transformations due to international relations changing after the arrival of U.S. Navy Commodore Matthew Perry in 1853. His visit resulted in treaties allowing American ships to dock in Japan, causing economic challenges and conflicts among political groups. Eventually, the fall of the Tokugawa Shogunate began, ushering in the Meiji Restoration.

In Rise of the Ronin, players will encounter the civil war that unfolded towards the end of the Bakumatsu Era, experiencing events from different perspectives thanks to playing as a masterless Ronin. Footage from the game shows the port city of Yokohama in 1858, hinting that the setting includes relevant historical background. The game highlights decision-making, giving players the power to shape the narrative and create a unique version of Japanese history.

On Which Platforms Will Rise of the Ronin Release?

Rise of the Ronin  PS5 will exclusively be released on PlayStation 5, given that Sony Interactive Entertainment, the makers of the PlayStation brand, is behind its launch. As a result, it won’t be available on alternative gaming platforms such as Xbox or Nintendo Switch. While there’s a possibility of a PC release in the future, there’s no specific information about it as of now.


 Rise of the Ronin is an exciting action role-playing game set in 19th-century Japan, focusing on the Bakumatsu period and the ensuing Boshin War. Developed by Team Ninja and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment, the game promises intense combat, strategic decision-making, and an expansive open world. With a release scheduled for March 22, 2024, exclusively on PlayStation 5, players can expect a rich and immersive adventure steeped in Japanese history. While there isn’t official confirmation regarding a PC release, gamers hope to see Rise of the Ronin expand beyond the PlayStation ecosystem shortly.

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